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Adventure Psychology

"Throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain​​

Focusing on helming a course

As an Adventure Psychologist with Shadow Wind, I aim to bring insights from scientific research into how the brain and mind perform at their best, in order to help people realise their potential, and strengthen resilience to life's challenges!​

Also in order to promote these benefits I explore how we can use novel approaches to engage individuals, groups, young people to educate and inform as to the unique environment of the ocean.  This includes how skills and confidence will inevitably develop by being exposed to the basics of seamanship and being on and around boats generally...

There are two primary themes to explore:

Measurable Psychological benefits of Adventure experiences - how sailing and practical skills development contribute to  ​enhanced mental wellbeing, renewed purpose setting life goals

A well maintained vessel to steer in uncharted waters

How best to inspire and educate about the maritime environment, promoting activities and experiences, including using multimedia and Virtual Reality (immersive technologies) in support of this​​.

​Our approach will be a combination of practical experiences working with our charity partners, including feedback on the benefits to individuals who come along and work with us, and collaborating with organisations to develop novel ways to engage with maritime adventure contexts.


Did you know that sailing can significantly improve lasting quality of life in individuals suffering from mental health disorders? By immersing in this novel context (even just coming down the Marina for a day), the brain is stimulated enough to become more focused, productive and motivated. 

Carta, et al. (2014). Sailing can improve quality of life of people with severe mental disorders: results of a cross over randomized controlled trial. Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health : CP & EMH, 10, 80–86.

pyschological barometer

What is your internal 'weather' like at the moment?

​Shadow Wind aims to help people transform their lives, to inspire and support individuals in turning themselves round, prepared and able to haul 'close to the wind'. What this means is through experiencing the benefits of working together in a seafaring context (whether that is out on the ocean on an adventure trip, taking one of our Sail Theory courses, or simply coming along to the marina for a chat, and to immerse yourself in the stimulating atmosphere onboard) you can feel positive changes occur.  The camaraderie, sense of purpose, drive to engage in productive jobs will all serve to boost morale, instil new goals into life.

An important tool in the sailing toolbox is the Barometer. This instrument is used to judge weather, and importantly, potential changes in the weather that are important to plans and forward progress in our voyage.  The barometer measures air pressure, indicating over time whether this is dropping or rising, forecasting potential fronts that are over the horizon.

We use this concept to also assess our own internal 'weather', and by taking stock of our own conditions over time we can predict changes in mood, and motivation, helpful in setting our forward course in life.  The 'Psychological Barometer' is useful to gain an appreciation of how you might feel currently, and how the 'weather' can change for the better.  Based on Shadow Wind's deep understanding of how the brain 'works' and the mind 'operates', this tool can help monitor the impetus for change.







The questions look at different emotional and psychological elements that all contribute to a sense of self-worth, goals and aspirations and general wellbeing.

After you have provided responses we can calculate how your 'weather' has changed as a result of being involved with Shadow Wind, emotional and psychological benefits and where you are set on course for a more purposeful life!


Adapting course in changing weather
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