As well as taking folks out into the wilds, CognitvExplorer delivers informative and entertaining talks about the rationale behind the Adventure Psychology: how adventure can inspire and motivate towards improved wellbeing and attitude to life.
A seasoned traveller, Dave Gallagher has tested his resolve in a variety of environments. Anecdotes about these intrepid experiences highlight how having an #Adventure Mindset can stimulate the imagination and heighten resilience to life’s challenges. Whether it is climbing a 6000m Andean peak with nothing left in the tank, skiing a frozen wasteland with frostbitten toes, diving in fearsome currents off dragon-infested lands, or under icy seas in Arctic Russia, the lessons learnt and the precious memories gained inform an infectious approach to life!
The multimedia presentation with a multitude of photographs (having been published in the national press) and films (in conjunction with extreme sports media affiliation) attempt to bring the audience on a journey, whilst delving into the psyche of adventurers and extreme sports pursuants.
Dave Gallagher, CognitvExplorer, is also a scientist studying extreme performance ‘on the edge. He talks about how the brain functions under extreme stress, introducing some easy to grasp concepts concerning the mechanisms that we all possess to help us focus on what matters and overcome tendencies to be distracted or overwhelmed. This is cutting edge science and has applications to helping people overcome mental health issues, and to set goals and focus the mind on achieving one’s potential! .
Examples from Dave's work with pioneering charity organisations illustrate how the science and the application is helping people from disadvantaged backgrounds to restore hope and purpose and flourish out at sea!
The CognitvExplorer will inspire audiences to think beyond their horizons, aspire to be more, and adopt insights learnt to help them develop their own #Adventure Mindset to thrive on whatever life throws at them..
Sample talks delivered:
Excite and Delight: Adventure Challenge Mindset workshops - practical mindset coaching sessions (abseiling) helping individuals confront fear of heights using science-based techniques to manage the stress response - Adventure Mind conference, November 2022
S(t)imulating an Adventure Mindset - using Virtual Reality to develop skills and youth engagement in the maritime environment (Manchester University)
Methodological challenges of investigating cognition in the wild (British Psychological Society Cognitive Psychology Section annual conference)
Riding the train: UK BASE jumping film presentation (Kendal Mountain Film Festival guest speaker - Free Flight inaugural session)
Insights from the Edge: cognitive aspects of BASE jumping (International Adventure Conference, Dumfries and Galloway
CognitvExplorer inc: Adventures in Tourism (Sheffield Hallam University Business School - Adventure Tourism module)
Cognitive Experience Design: Consumer Research Methods Applications for Tourism and Aviation (Sheffield Hallam University Business School)
Get in touch to arrange a speaking engagement