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Dave Gallagher
Jul 29, 20216 min read
Back on the horse - Part 2: Hans - a solo story
We all encounter setbacks in life. It can be hard to pick oneself up, dust oneself off and get back to what it is we were trying to...
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Dave Gallagher
Jul 29, 20214 min read
Defibrillating the senses - jolting yourself out of apathy
When you get knocked down, often repeatedly, you can use this as impetus to spring back up, make adjustments and show that your spirit is...
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Dave Gallagher
Jul 29, 20215 min read
Back on the horse: Part one - letting go and stepping up to the next level
An #AdventureMindset can stand you in good stead through life. Not just to motivate the pursuit of challenge, but also to embrace the...
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Dave Gallagher
Jul 29, 20215 min read
Getting your greens (or making the most of the blues) - daily exposure to nature
In order to be healthy and mentally 'fit', a balanced diet means more than just 'getting your greens' in a nutritional sense. It also...
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Dave Gallagher
Jul 29, 20214 min read
Without Wild Abandon - taking an informed view of extreme sports
Extreme sports activities seem to polarise people - those who condemn and show outrage, often without being fully informed, and those who...
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Dave Gallagher
Jul 29, 20215 min read
Over the Edge
The instinctive response to uncertainty, and fear is to AVOID it, retreating back from this 'edge'. But we can overcome this urge,...
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Dave Gallagher
Jul 29, 20214 min read
Blessed are the Map Makers
We can become fixated on achieving a goal by a chosen route, to the point of feeling defeated if 'failing' to overcome obstacles. But...
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Dave Gallagher
Jun 5, 20215 min read
What happens when you lose your way, unsure where you are or where you are meant to be going? Learn to thrive on the fact that you are...
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Blogs focus on ways to develop Mental Fitness by building an Adventure Mindset. Using examples from wild adventures experienced and practises from Adventure Psychology to stimulate thinking, and entertain!
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